Monday, August 16, 2010

Half of British Wind Farms Don't Have Enough Wind

More than half of Britain's wind farms have been built where there is not enough wind

By Fiona Macrae

"Europe's biggest windfarm, Whitelee, near Glasgow, boasts 140 turbines which last year ran at less than 25 per cent of capacity"

It's not exactly rocket science – when building a wind farm, look for a site that is, well, quite windy. But more than half of Britain’s wind farms are operating at less than 25 per cent capacity.

In England, the figure rises to 70 per cent of onshore developments, research shows. Europe's biggest windfarm, Whitelee, near Glasgow, boasts 140 turbines which last year ran at less than 25 per cent of capacity

Experts say that over-generous subsidies mean hundreds of turbines are going up on sites that are simply not breezy enough....


  1. A Daily Mail article? With no quotes or stats to back up these claims? Really?

  2. 25% isn't bad - for wind. The inflated claims of wind advocates have led to higher expectations, which (no surprise) are not being met. Spain's wind network definitely operated at 24% in a couple of the yearly supply summaries that I looked at - 2007 and 2008 I think.
