Friday, April 30, 2010

NASA Future Poll

May New Papyrus Daily Kos Space Poll


  1. I think the president Obama plan is easily the best plan because it is such a versatile plan, the technology needed to successfully land on an asteroid will boost our aeronautic knowledge to a '''degree''' neccessary for the advancement of manned space flight, planetary exploration, medicine and many other scientific neccessities for evolution into space.

    Flexible path.

    [Nice rhetoric]

  2. The problem with the President's plan is that there is no plan to immediately build anything. And delaying a decision to fund the development of an HLV almost at the end of his second term (if he gets a second term) makes it easy for a new administration to terminate his program just as he terminated Bush's program just as Bush terminated Clinton's program. Plus his statement about no need to return to the Moon seems to indicate that he advocates a policy of space adventurism rather than space colonization which is a huge waste of tax payer dollars, IMO.

    Plus I don't think its possible for humans to safely visit a NEO without heavy mass shielding weighing at least several hundred tons. It would be better, IMO, to use NASA's Asterant concept and just send light sails out to grab small asteroids and return them to cis lunar space for study and exploitation.

  3. For some reason I don't beleive the technology for surface to ''surface'' space planes has been explained or presented a way that would show obvious leaps and bounds, it would be a considerable boon to space tourism to have knowledge that it is possible to fly direct from planet runway to planet runway.

    I think that socio economics is a significant factor for the evolution of multi region economies possibly being converted into a singular economy, because a space plane such as the 'skylon' could bring easy manned space flight to any business, businessman, tourist or scientist.

    The infrastructure developing around it on ground level would certainly be a forunner of the type of economy base that would develop from such an evolving process wether it be communist, credit based, capitalist or dreadedly elitist empirical.

    I think that sensibly if knowledge of a surface to surface space plane was common it would create a furor of panic to get space property, space business space interest from probably most sectors of money lending probably causing chaos while it develops into a farcical movement of shabby management.

    I think it would be sensible for the president to see how man himself builds upon his dreams.

    Truefully, many people want to visit space urgently, but, what sort of crime would occur in and around communities in the rush to be among the first space opportunists, which I beleive the president and probably all political analysts and advisors have considered.

    Face it, were not going to be in the first wave of space men, but, you can bet your darn dollar I'm going to get my fundamentals together on the home planet.

  4. I'm not concerned with the $1.2 billion a year that the President is giving to private industry to develop their own manned space programs. In fact, I strongly endorse it. But I am concerned about wasting the other $19 billion a year on make work R&D programs to that are designed to produce nothing and to go nowhere.

    If you give Federal workers that kind of money every year to produce nothing, they'll achieve those goals with flying colors! And that will probably mean the end of the people's manned space program.

    The role of our Federal manned space program should be to pioneer the solar system so that the privateers and settlers can quickly follow. This is the way to expand human civilization off the planet, advance our technology, and to grow our economy and create jobs. Not make work programs.

  5. Really the 19 billion you worry about is worth considering, but, lets look at it from an oil perspective, because zenon [which is what the recent contestant's of the grumman lunar lander challege have decided to use as their rocketry propulsion technique and fuel] production certainly couldn't substantiate an emmerging trend to space travel, thus, stimulating the space business...

    This is my response [at another space news blog]]to the recent quoted space adventures deal with Armadillo for $102,000 low earth orbit journeys.

    An excellent development... the reality of the situation tells us that prices for travelling perhaps were fixed based on fuel prices and certainly, as some modern low earth orbit ventures for rocket building now basing their fuel consumption on Xenon, it would be interesting to consider that conversions of fuel alter the cost of travel.

    Certainly considerable for politically correct travellers.

    Is it the harmful xenon powered engine, or the mathematically forgiving petroleum...
